Tuesday 19 April 2016

Setmana Santa

Hello everyone! I’m back this week with another blog post, this time about my Easter holiday. I know it’s been a few weeks since Easter, but I hadn’t got round to doing it yet. At Christmas time I went home but I decided to stay in Spain for Easter. Many people were either going home or travelling and I wanted to take the opportunity to do some exploring.

Plans changed since the English camp the week before totally wiped me out, so some days during the Setmana Santa (Holy Week in English) were spent at home sleeping and relaxing. On other days I went shopping in Girona and visited the seaside towns of Costa Brava.

On Good Friday, Ines and I drove to Girona and after parking our car, made our way to the centre of the town. In Spain there are a lot of towns which have traditional processions showing the story of the crucifixtion of Christ. Men and women dress up in pointed hats (called a capriote) and robes, while parading around the town carrying the cross of Christ  and different floats depicting Christ entering Jerusalem on a donkey all the way up to his burial in the tomb leading onto the resurrection.
Ines and I found a good spot to see the parade on La Rambla. It took a while to start, but finally the drums started and men dressed as Roman Soldiers marched down the street, followed by the men and women dressed in the robes. After the procession went by, Ines and I made our way through the narrow streets to the cathedral. We waited for a few minutes until we heard drums and staffs of the soldiers beating in rhythm. It was incredible sight to see. I felt sorry for the soldiers standing with their bare legs in the cold! Girona cathedral has ninety steps and it is usually tiring once you get up to the top, but probably not as tiring when you carry a big wooden cross!
The procession finally finished at midnight, where we were very tired but after having a coffee and hot chocolate, we then returned home, happy that I had experienced another tradition in Spain.

Photos are below. There will also be videos on the blog’s Facebook page. 

Until the next time!

Rachel xx