Monday 26 September 2016

KT Tunstall

I apologise for not writing on this blog sooner. Summer camp was very busy and I’ve been getting used to settling back home and job hunting. I don’t have any plans to go abroad anytime soon, although I hope to go travelling one day. However,  I will still keep up this blog and maybe change the name (any suggestions are welcome!)

The first blog post-Spain is about the KT Tunstall gig I attended at the Lemon Tree in Aberdeen on 27th of August. I had bought the tickets a few months before and glad I did, as shortly after I had purchased them, the tickets had all sold out. I was really excited and asked my sister Hannah if she would come with me to the gig.  

Summer passed quickly and soon as I knew it, the gig date was here. I was really excited, especially as KT Tunstall said she would only be writing songs for films, but instead came out with a brand new album! She celebrated this with touring around the north of Scotland for the ‘Highlands and Islands Tour’.  I had seen KT Tunstall perform way back in 2005 at the Aberdeen Music Hall and this was after she had released her first album ‘Eye to the Telescope’.  Since then I have been a huge fan of her music. On this recent tour, she was only two weeks away from releasing her fifth album ‘Kin’ and had also released an EP with several tracks to give fans a taste of what the new album might be like.
Hannah and I mentally prepared ourselves for the gig by listening to the first two albums ‘Eye to the Telescope’ and ‘Drastic Fantastic’ in the car. Of course, it was as if I had never stopped listening to them. I knew the lyrics off by heart. We soon arrived in Aberdeen and parked the car, then made our way to the venue. Hannah joked that I’d got the wrong night and I gave her a glare as if to say ‘That’s not funny.’ We definitely got the right night as there was a large queue of people standing outside the door. Hannah and I got past the door and we were soon into the venue.

The Lemon Tree is not a very large venue; it can get a few hundred people in at the very most. Most people went to get a drink before the gig started so that gave Hannah and I the chance to get as close to the front as possible. Success, we were very close to the front, in fact, we were near the people who were leaning on the bar which separated the stage from the audience.

The show started and the support act came on stage. His name was Callum Beattie and he came from Glasgow, although he now lived in London. Callum wrote all his own songs including one about growing up in Easter Road which was very heartfelt and emotional. He sounded similar to Paolo Nutini. I hope that he will get a record deal soon as he was brilliant.

After Callum performed there was a half hour break, but I didn’t want to move as I didn’t want to give up my space. There were a few drunken ladies behind us who couldn’t see properly and would have liked it if we moved away so they could get in our space, but no way was that happening!!
During the break, there was a sound technician (who went by the name of Lars – short for Larry) and he was testing all the instruments to ensure they worked. The interval was soon over and the audience started clapping as the music started playing. Smoke started filling the stage and the cheers filled the place as KT Tunstall arrived on stage, greeting us with a friendly ‘Aberdeen! How ya doin’?’
She proceeded to play ‘Little Favours’ a track from her second album ‘Drastic Fantastic’. She played songs from her previous albums as well as her new one. During the song ‘Black Horse and Cherry Tree’, she encouraged the audience to sing the ‘No, no’ part. Unfortunately, some of the audience were not aware of the timing so she had to prompt us. It didn’t take long though before she was impressed by Aberdeen’s singing. When she was speaking in between songs there was a man in the audience (presumably drunk) who kept on shouting ‘Yes!’ Tunstall was so impressed that she said: “You sir, I think I’ll take you on tour with me!”

She introduced a particular song by talking about long distance relationships. Yes, they can be a pain in the ass, but sometimes you just have to live with it. Then she encouraged us to get our phones out and put the torchlight on.
“We’re gonna turn the Lemon Tree in the (insert swear word here) o2!” she cried, as the audience waved their phones in the air.

“Over the sea and far away.”

Everyone screamed with delight as she started to sing her debut single ‘Other Side of the World’ and soon the Lemon Tree was filled with people singing the song word for word. KT Tunstall interacted with the audience throughout and I gave her a huge cheesy smile as she looked down and smiled at me. It was probably one of the highlights of my life, to have an international superstar lock eyes with you. I soon got over the fan girl screaming wildly inside me and got back to singing my heart out.
It was a very enjoyable concert, with great music and funny anecdotes. The tour’s sound engineer had accidentally set off the fire alarm at a previous gig, prompting KT and her band to make up a song about it. They played the first line of the song and stopped as that was all they had written so far. The band had managed to make their voices sound like a fire alarm blaring and KT Tunstall screamed into a microphone ‘Fire alarm, fire alarm, you set off the fire alarm!’ It then turned out to be a hilariously ridiculous song about not working on a farm, you set off the fire alarm or not to self-harm as you set off the fire alarm. I’m expecting the song to be on her next album and I’m sure it will be a smash hit (ha ha!)

All jokes aside, there was one story which was no laughing matter (well not to Tunstall anyway). She was playing in Wick and when the gig had finished and they were packing up to leave, one of the band members realised that her tambourine (affectionately named ‘Tambo’) was missing. Someone had obviously taken it from the stage and made off with it. Tunstall was seriously miffed and made a plea on Twitter for whoever had taken it to return it, because well it was her Tambo. People were making online campaigns and memes for Tambo to be reunited with his owner.
The next morning, Tunstall and her band were leaving Wick and a taxi pulled up to the hotel they stayed in. She looked in and lo and behold there was her Tambo, in the back seat unaccompanied. She thought it was so funny and she was thrilled she got it back (so much so that she wrote a song about it, you can check it out on her Facebook page).

Tunstall decided to have a competition towards the end of the gig. She held up a signed CD copy of her ‘Golden State EP’. It was available for a fiver at the merchandise stand, but she would give away this copy free to the best ‘headbanger’. She warned us that this song was proper rock and not just rock that you roll down your car window for. She then played this heavy rock song which I believe was ‘The Healer’ (it’s on her EP). The whole arena started rocking and head banging (I couldn’t do it too much; otherwise I would have ended up in the hospital). There was this one man however who was properly ‘head banging’ and in the end, he won the free signed CD. She played one ‘last’ song and then she was off stage. Hannah and I knew that it wasn’t the end of the concert, as she hadn’t played the song she is probably most famous for.

There was much stomping, hand clapping and cheering, including the shouts of ‘We want more! We want more!’  Of course, she returned to this stage and burst into ‘Suddenly I See’. Everyone started dancing and singing along. It was the perfect end to an incredible gig. It was fantastic to see KT Tunstall live again and I’m sure I will see her again in the future!

Have you ever seen KT Tunstall live? If you have, leave a comment as to where you saw her. She tours around the world so it’ll be interesting to see where she has played!